Industry labels today are using’s
Pinterest-style arrangement of image tiles for its recent site redesign. New
plugin from real-time Web platform provider Echo allows digital marketers and developers
to also take advantage of this increasingly popular layout. In fact, incorporating social elements into
websites is a design trend that continues to increase in popularity regardless
of industry, as it helps companies engage their site visitors and grow
word-of-mouth marketing.
Interscope Records, for example, leveraged
Echo’s pinboard visualization plugin last October in order to display real-time
social content in a pinboard-style layout on its site. Plus, a multitude of
sites on the ’Net have leveraged Facebook extensions, like the Recommendations
Bar or Comments plugin, which help to boost metrics like engagement rates,
time-on-site and page views per visitor. Allison Howen wrote in her blog how real-time
Web platform provider echo’s allows digital marketers and developers to also
take advantage of this increasingly popular layout. According to the VP of
Digital for Interscope Geffen A&M, “We have blended real-time social
activity about our artists and brands with traditional content like a partner
and store merchandise,” said Lee Hammond.
Lee also mentioned, “Every piece of content is displayed in the same
real-time, visual format, driving deeper engagement with our fans.” (May, 2013)
The types of information that can be displayed with the pinboard plugin range from social content such as tweets, YouTube videos, Facebook posts and Spotify tracks to traditional content like photos and store merchandise. Additionally, the plugin allows visitors to comment, like and reply to items from directly within each stream. Currently, the plugin is being leveraged as the primary content display mechanism for Interscope Geffen A&M’s new website. (May, 2013)
Echo believes that the web is rapidly becoming real-time and social,” said
Khris Loux, CEO of Echo. “Our products are designed to support this transition
by giving developers and digital marketers the tools they need to employ a new
method of social story telling.” After all, Industry companies like Interscope
are going through the Brand Revamp process by engaging social media plugins
such as twitter, facebook, and Pinboard plugin.
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